Jerry Scheumann (Pastor)
Chuck Bostock
Steve Hall
Kevin Winter
Brian Armstrong
Ray Fitzgibbons
Brent Karner
Jim O’Malley
Bud Trimboli
Pastor'S Bio
Jerry Scheumann
(802) 228-7600 — Office
I was raised in a godly home in rural Minnesota, where my parents faithfully taught me from a young age about God and His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. I was saved and baptized at a young age, and as I grew in my faith in the years to come, I sensed God’s calling me into ministry. I received my formal training at Northwestern College (since renamed University of Northwestern—St. Paul), where I graduated with a B.A. in General Ministry with a concentration in Greek (’06) and a M.A. in Theological Studies (’08). After serving as a youth pastor in Wisconsin and a pastoral assistant in New Hampshire, God then led me and my family across the Connecticut River where I serve as pastor here at Ludlow Baptist Church.
I am grateful to be serving in New England. It was here some 260 years ago that the Great Awakening was birthed, which changed the whole American landscape as many people turned to Christ for forgiveness of their sins. Today, there are great opportunities for Gospel ministry in this region. One of my passions as a pastor is to build up His Church by making disciples through the faithful preaching of the Word, a commitment to prayer, and equipping the saints for ministry.
My wife, Ashlee, and I have four young children. I enjoy dates with my wife, playtime with my kids, guitar, hiking, canoeing, and softball.