“Skeptical Grumbling, Sovereign Grace, and Eternal Glory ”
John 6:41-51 - Jerry Scheumann
Our passage contains tough words from Jesus, but they are for our good and benefit so that we might come to see and rejoice in sovereign grace.
Sermon Videos
“Skeptical Grumbling, Sovereign Grace, and Eternal Glory ”
John 6:41-51 - Jerry Scheumann
Our passage contains tough words from Jesus, but they are for our good and benefit so that we might come to see and rejoice in sovereign grace.
“All The Father Give Me Will Come To Me ”
John 6:36-40 - Jerry Scheumann
When surrounded by unbelief and opposition to Christ, remember that Jesus is a mighty Savior. In our passage, we see four statements of God's sovereign work in salvation, meant to make you worship God and rest secure in the God's great work of salvation.