Posts tagged love of Christ
September 29, 2024

“Man of Sorrows”

2 Samuel 16 - Jerry Scheumann

See 3 snapshots of the suffering of the Lord's Anointed, all of which point forward to and are fulfilled in David's Greater Son, Jesus Christ. In all this, see that God's Anointed One is a man of sorrows who loves sinners.

April 21, 2024

“A Tale of Two Kingdoms”

2 Samuel 2:1-11 - Jerry Scheumann

As David ascends the throne in Judah and Ish-bosheth ascends the throne in Israel, this is not a squabble over power, but fundamentall it is two rival kingdoms. One kingdom is the foreshadowed Kingdom of God, the other is set in opposiiton to God's Kingdom. See 3 truths from this passage about how we are to respond to the Kingdom of God come in Christ.