Posts tagged contentment
October 29, 2023

“King Saul and the Corrosive Sin of Envy”

1 Samuel 18:6-30 - Jerry Scheumann

In contrast to Jonathan's humility and kindness shown to David, King Saul is filled with envy and makes attempt after attempt to kill him. This is a sobering warning against the sin of envy, and a call to fight it by finding contentment in the gracious favor of God in Christ Jesus.

March 26, 2023

“Do Not Fail to Obtain the Grace of God”

Hebrews 12:14-17 - Jerry Scheumann

In response to Christ's great love for us, we ought to love our fellow believers. True love is not determined by our subjective feelings, but by the perfect law of God. Our love must apply to  our homes, pesecuted believers, sexuality and marriage, and money and possessions.